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Hullson Consulting

Healthy Food
Citrus Fruits


Food Safety | Zoonoses | Research

Hullson Consulting provides consultancy, training, and research in food safety, food safety management systems, and zoonotic diseases, engaging a one-health approach to promote animal and human health, prevent foodborne illnesses, and boost food exports and trade. 

New!! HACCP Introductory Course

HACCP is a foundational Food Safety System which prevents foodborne illness by controlling hazards (biological, physical, chemical) at every stage of the production process. HACCP is the basis for CODEX Alimentarius and Internationally recognized Food Safety Management Systems such as ISO 22000: 2018 and GFSI benchmarked schemes, e.g. FSSC 22000. For export, most international clients will require HACCP compliance and certification. 


Hullson Consulting is pleased to offer a HACCP introduction course which is accredited by the International HACCP Alliance and taught by an IHA-certified trainer. We offer in-person and virtual training. Please get in touch with us for a quote.


+60 17 625 2300

Hullson Consulting (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

Registration no. 202301037058 (1530981-M) 2023

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